Important CRLU Survey to Inform Discussions

We would like to engage with representatives from Hatteras Sky in a meaningful way based on the concerns and priorities of the CRLU. This is your opportunity to tell the Board what matters most to you and what would be an acceptable outcome if we are unable to prevent this development.  (Yes, the devil is in the details, but we need a high-level sense of how our members are thinking.)

1. The following issues have been identified for the Robinhood Residential development proposal. Review them in light of your own concerns and let us know your top three below by entering the letters preceding the ones you choose. Our website page goes into more detail on each of them.

A. Slope failure (landslide, mudslide)
B. Erosion, stormwater and sediment runoff into downslope properties, streams and Beaver Lake
C. Traffic impact (pedestrian safety, noise, congestion)
D. Construction impact (large vehicles, noise, street damage, etc.)
E. Viewshed spoilage (clearing of natural cover, conspicuous structures, roads, parking lots)
F. Possibility of short-term vacation rentals
G. Other nuisance such as lighting, noise